Your employees are on the move yet still connected like never before. Cloud-based business applications make it easier to give on-the-go employees the information they need to stay productive.
Customers expect empowered workers
Today’s customers expect your workers to be connected to the information they need no matter where they are. Calling back to the office to see if a part is in stock or schedule a visit just doesn’t cut it.
Connect remote employees to information
Online, or cloud-based accounting software (commonly referred to as Cloud ERP) allows you to share the information—securely—with the people who need it. When people need information, they rarely need just one piece. They need the whole picture to make good decisions and answer questions thoroughly. With a cloud-based ERP solution, your employees can work at peak efficiency to:
Manage quotes, proposals, and orders from the field on virtually any device.
Close the deal—from selection using a product configurator to electronic signatures that finalize the contract.
Deliver better service with full access to customer history, maintenance contracts, and product knowledgebase.
With the right tools, your employees can be “in the office” as soon as they turn on their mobile device.
Want to learn more? Call us at 954.340.2990 or email us to get started.