For everyone who blogs, it’s important to be found and read. (Otherwise, what’s the point of having a blog?)

But for those doing the finding, locating that perfect blogger is like, well, finding the perfect coffee shop. There’s one on almost every corner, but very few offer good coffee and snacks, and the perfect atmosphere for you.

There were more than 150 million blogs on the Internet, according to Wikipedia. So how does someone find your blog?

Here are some signs of a good blog (hopefully your blog has these qualities):

-Does it offer relevant tips/content for you? Your search engine is a great tool to find niche blogs on your industry or hobby. When you’re working on a project, be it web design or automobile restoration, typing your question in the search field can yield a lot of helpful results, many of which will come from bloggers.

-How often does the blogger post? This is a big one if you’re following a blog about your industry. The blogger should be posting somewhat consistently to keep up with the concerns of its readers. If there hasn’t been a post in two months, chances are they don’t have much helpful or interesting information to share.

-Is it interactive? The cool thing about blogs is that they are personal and interactive. There should be a place for the readers to leave comments and questions, and most of the time the person who wrote the blog post will respond. The best blogs have the About page filled out and a photograph of the blogger.

-Can you get into its writing and topic? After you have a few prospects, read a few posts to figure out if you enjoy reading about the topic and like the style of writing. It’s important that it’s easy for you to understand this blogger and that he or she keeps your attention. If it’s just a lot of long and dull posts, it will feel like a chore to keep up with the reading.

-Check out the Blogroll. Once you find a blog you like, check out its blogroll. A blogroll is a list of links to other blogs that the blogger recommends. Chances are, if you like the writer’s blog, you will like the blogs he or she likes as well.

So is your blog up to par to be found in the blogosphere?

Guest Blogger: Leon Fooksman

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