Internet Business – Success in the Backroom
Nobody can be the best at everything! Successful companies are increasingly focusing on their core business and teaming with companies like PROCON to enhance the effectiveness of their business processes.
We approach each client as a unique challenge and opportunity, since integration of legacy systems and business process/operations must be taken into account with any web enabled business endeavor. We leverage our vast business operations knowledge and experience, along with your in-house knowledge to bring a complete system into production. Our approach does not require massive re-engineering efforts. We work with our clients to develop a phased implementation plan utilizing already existing technology and processes, where possible.
We will assist you in addressing the following concerns:
- What types of technologies are available and best suited for a particular enterprise?
- How can you integrate e-commerce technologies into existing system(s)?
- When is it appropriate to outsource functions in the backroom?
- How can you build a scalable and flexible system that can grow with you?
- How can you build a system to accommodate techniques made available by the Internet?
We help organizations implement either Internet or Intranet based strategies using a rapid buy, build and integrate approach. The key to transforming any process (web-enabled or not) is to identify all of the sub-processes that are a part of it although they may span multiple operating environments. Successful eBusiness applications span platforms, they ’re server-centric, they extend (rather than replace) existing applications, they’re scalable, and they should be built to be managed. PROCON has available a PowerPoint presentation entitled “A Practical Approach to Developing an eBusiness Model” which has been utilized at several internet business conferences throughout the United States. For a free copy of this presentation, please click eBusiness now.