Generally, the management process of any organization, large or small, addresses six factors which are distinctly different yet interrelated. These factors are:

  1. Environment – what management faces;
    1. Affected by:
      1. Government
      2. Competitors
      3. Customers
      4. Suppliers
      5. Employees
      6. Creditors
      7. Shareholders
      8. economy
  2. Resources – what management has to use;
    1. Affected by:
      1. Personnel
      2. Facilities
      3. Equipment
      4. Material
      5. Services
      6. Finances
      7. Technology
  3. Organization – along with plans & controls are the expressions of management’s attempt to use those resources effectively
    1. Affected by:
      1. Structure
      2. Functions
      3. Authority
      4. Coordination
      5. Integration
      6. Committees
      7. Task forces
      8. Staffs
  4. Plans
    1. Affected by:
      1. Goals
      2. Objectives
      3. Programs
      4. Projects
      5. Policies
      6. Procedures
      7. Standards
      8. Schedules
  5. Controls
    1. Affected by:
      1. Organizational
      2. Operational
      3. Informational
      4. Data
  6. Information– serves to tell management how effectively it has utilized its resources in light of the environmental conditions it has faced
    1. Affected by:
      1. Market
      2. Financial
      3. Operational
      4. Governmental

Procon consultants begin all business needs analyses with a top-level management information system evaluation such that strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats (SWOT analysis) are both identified and agreed upon as a starting point for ERP analysis. Buy in at all levels is imperative!